Tom Harris Art + Photography | The works of artist Thomas A. Harris
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My work is about a process, a life process. A life described in different media with different imagery and made by a variety of means. I’ve used carbon, graphite, silver, platinum, lead, many pigments, paper, wood and canvas, to achieve images that move me, that allow me to say: yes, that’s it, this is the one: that’s what I’m searching for. A resonating, expressive image mediated by my experience, perception and the medium in use.


Making my paintings has some mystery attached to it: learning to follow and not interfere (well, not always) with a process flowing from unconscious whys and why nots, sort of a set of binary switches. In 2008 I became intensely involved with painting and drawing, once again. I worked in series, in sketch books, with carbon, graphite and acrylic watching the evolution of my imagery, abstract with a component of the numinous, dating everything. It was a sort of visual diary. I occasionally made a stand alone painting that was larger. In this period, I picked up encaustic, an ancient medium using wax and pigment. It has a lot of resistance to it and is frustrating if you’re comfortable with a certain way of doing things. You work in layers, planning ahead. It’s required me to think in terms of imagery and by extension what that image means.


A few words about art.